Three Rules of ultimate love by Osho on ‘review testify’ – exclusive once in-six-month ‘content’.
You know, the easiest and the hardest thing to do at the same time is to ‘love’ someone.
Are you in search of love? or are you already in love with someone?
in whatever phase of life you are, as a human, if you can feel this wonderful feeling, your birth will be a success.
But but but! Whatever you called or think of ‘love’ or you are already experiencing, do you think you know the meaning of true love? Really?
One thing I want to clear up here right now is, in this whole article wherever I wrote ‘love’ there,
I am only and only refers to the “ultimate love” which is the ultimate source of this whole existence.
Recently, I found an interesting fact that lord Krishna incarnated to the ‘world’ only to establish & teach ultimate love, which we still know as Radha-Krishna Prem Katha.
Well, back to the topic
In my opinion, I am not a die-hard fan of Osho, but when I listen to him from a philosophical perspective I found him truthful.
Osho was harshly opposed to marriage so he also never tried it, but he has reached the level of enlightenment (A final state where all desires end).
So, how we can learn love from a person who hates relationships, well I also think the same.
But when I learned his philosophy on love, it changed me and hope it will change your thinking too,
So with some patience and keeping our comparative judging mind aside.
Let’s listen to Osho,
The 3 Rules for the ultimate love.
Three Rules of ultimate love by Osho
In the right terms, I call it 3G’s of love as all initials start with the letter G.
- Give
- Give Unconditionally
- Gratitude
Now, let’s dive deep into all these 3G’s to explore more about ‘true love’.
Rule no. 1 ‘Give‘ – देना
Once while roaming in the garden a disciple asked Buddha, what is to love someone?
Buddha raised his hand, smiled and replied see this beautiful flower
The disciple said yes! Buddha asked what will you do if you love this flower?
He said; I will pluck it and keep it with myself and smell it.
Buddha expressed; here’s the difference “If you like it you will pluck it, but if you love it you will water it daily”.
From this small story, we learned that ‘to give is to love’, if we give water to a plant and wish for its growth that means we loved it.
Same as a mother who feeds his children and becomes happy even though she is more hungry than the child.
Rule no. 1 of Ultimate Love is to GIVE, you know about newtons third law of motion, ‘that every action has an equal and opposite reaction’.
But in the case of love, It works differently, doesn’t matter how much you try to love someone, there is rarely a possibility of that person will love you back.
From birth till age, we are taught a funda that ‘give something to get something’.
Thus we started applying this rule to our feelings, we started to love somebody on the basis of ‘what we will get in return’.
It starts like; you saw a girl, found her attractive, and imagined yourself with her in movements and getting delighted what all benefits she will give you. (You know what I mean)
The same goes with girls too.
Is this what you call love? No, honestly god!’ this is pure delusion in which many of us are trapped.
.Three Rules of ultimate love by Osho
In true love, there is no place for a question like ‘What I will get in return’, in fact, the inner voice of you shouts ‘Give him/her whatever you have’.
If there is space for thinking about the before-after-effect of loving someone, trust me there is no hope of actual love there.
If you love someone, if you are still waiting to meet your soulmate, this rule will help you maintain a healthy relationship, that will last forever.
All you have to do is, whomever you love or will love ‘give them all, be open, let them read you in and out, and don’t hold anything behind, trust me you will never feel short of feeling.
Just try GIVING.
Rule no. 2 ‘Give Unconditionally‘ – स्वार्थरहित देना
This rule simply levels up Rule 1
In rule one, we learn to ‘Give’, but
What if you gave your all, but still not getting what you meant by true love?
hmm, um, trapped again. Did you think of getting something?
Really!!! something in return?
Well, to rift your illusion you must understand that
The rule of ‘Give Unconditionally‘ is a harsh truth, even though you love someone from the purest of your heart! and even god self-approved your ‘truthfulness’, but still, you can’t demand to get another person’s love in return.
What I mean by this is, rule one is you have to give your all, but rule two is you have to give your all without thinking you will ever get something in return, even if the person wants you to, take it back.
We, humans, are conditioned in a way that whatever we do, we expect a return whether it’s wrong or right.
For eg. I invited him to my birthday party he will also ask me.<>2nd eg., oh god, I cheated him that time, indeed something wrong will happen with me too.
This wrong conditioning has now entered our feelings and emotions too.
Think of it like a true devotee of god’, who just prays to god selflessly knowing that only to pray is in his hand, to accept or not is god’s part.
But his devotion does not decrease yet increases and when selflessly touched by the purity of love for God within him, the divine God appears.
So, the catch here is ‘selflessness, ‘Give Unconditionally’ in easy words refers to loving someone selflessly.
Doesn’t matter if you get love in return or not, be delighted cause you loved her in this one-time chance called life.
Rule no. 3 ‘Gratitude‘ – कृतज्ञता भाव
Once In an open discussion, a person asked Osho, what is the role of freedom in love?
OSHO replied in a logical way: Love emanates from the soul and the soul wants to be free. If you want to take away someone’s freedom, then slowly they start becoming soulless. That’s why where there is no freedom, there is no true love either.
प्रेम आत्मा से निकलता है और आत्मा स्वतंत्र रहना चाहती है यदि आप किसी की स्वतंत्रता छीनना चाहते हैं तो वह धीरे-धीरे आत्मा हीन होने लगता है। इसलिए जहां स्वतंत्रता नहीं वहां सच्चा प्रेम भी नहीं।
He added, True Love never ties you, instead it free’s both the lover and beloved.
And if a relationship is binding you or making you feel suffocated, then you are in an illusion wearing a mask of love.
Well, if you understood the importance of freedom in love, now is the perfect time to introduce you to rule no. 3
Gratitude simply means to be thankful for whatever happens.
Osho said; You should be thankful if someone rejects your love, you should be great at gratitude if someone accepts your love.
There is no point in your favour or against you, you loved someone, you gave him everything, you gave him unconditionally with selflessness and now you are being in gratitude for his wish of acceptance or non-acceptance of your love.
This is something untouchable by impure hearts, there is no human with a soul (that is gods part within) that can reject the pureness of the true source of this universe, the ultimate love.
It may be possible you are unable to be one with him at the physical body level, but at the soul level, you both become one.
.Three Rules of ultimate love by Osho
Sounds a little bit unscientific, but it’s valid when you take it from a spiritual perspective.
I understand that the perspective I am presenting may seem illogical at first, but it may make more sense after reading the Bhagavad Gita.
In simple words, all you have to understand is to be grateful to the person whom you love without caring if he accepted or not, return back the same way or not.
Once Swami Rajeshwaranand Ji said;
क्या करेगा प्यार वो भगवान से, क्या करेगा प्यार वो ईमान से, जन्म लेकर गोद में इंसान की, कर ना पाया प्यार जो इंसान से।
What love can he give to God? What love can he give to Religion?
Even after being born in a human’s lap? He who could not love mankind.
Swami Rajeshwaranand Ji Maharaj
These lines are from the perspective of spirituality. It defines a man who does not able to love humankind, knowing that god is present in every soul, how will he be able to love god?
To touch the level of gratitude in love with god, first, you must learn to love humankind, which is the creation of the god self.
Liberation words!
Three Rules of ultimate love by Osho
As much as I understood love hitherto.
To define ”what ultimate love is and how everything works in it” is almost beyond ones thinking capability, all I know is
Love just happens! we can’t do it intentionally by applying some trick, it’s not in our hands at all. That’s why Osho has called love the real proof of God.
So, in easy words
The most worthwhile thing a human can do in his or her life is to spread love as much as possible.
If I want to say about love in one line, I only can say it in Hindi is;
प्रेम परम है, परस्पर है। सब प्रेम में है, प्रेम सब में है।
Love is ultimate, it is mutual. Everyone is in love, love is in everyone.
Disclaimer– Some of the text may mean different in the English language due to no exact words available for them. The whole article is a reference to Osho’s ‘lecture on love’, I only added my thoughts wherever needed. I will be humbly glad to your suggestions.
Thank you for listening, I hope you get your soulmate soon.
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