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Solution of money burner trap of advertisements

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The solution for the money burner trap of ads as we discussed in the previous blog of [why no huge sale even after burning money on ads], here you will get the answer to that problem.

But please 🙏 read the previous article first to understand this solution in-depth.

We know how crucial a role ads play in e-commerce and how they trap many sellers. But the problem is not the trap itself, actually, many of us are unaware of that trap.

So, without stretching it too much I came straight to the point.

I want to explain it with an example, suppose you have brought a new product and you launch it with initial ads, you have set a daily budget of Rs 100 and for straight 3 days you do not get sales But on the fourth day the sale starts and all your worries are gone.

And you keep running the ads of this product, enjoying its daily average sales, completely unaware of the fact that this product is struggling for profits and over a long period like 3 months where it has already eaten 9000â‚ą from your budget without done expected sales because of some frequent no-sales day gap coming every month.

That’s why, we use the cause, effect & decision method for such unpredictable circumstances and frequent no-sales day gaps.

The best thing about the CED method is we can use it anywhere, in the business world or in life.

Vikram Singh

What is C-E-D Method actually?

cause effect and decision method

Definition of C-E-D method.

CED method stands for cause, effect and decision. where cause and effect are used to identify why and what of the problem, whereas in the decision we identify what we should do now.

C-E-D method will look like 3 parts (cause, effect and decision) but it only have 2 parts. ->
Cause and effect cannot be separated from each other, if there is a cause then it will certainly have an effect and if there is an effect there must be a cause.
so, observe cause and effect as one.

Cause and Effect

Oxford dictionary says — Cause means “a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition” and Effect means “a change which is a result or consequence of an action”.

In short, cause and effect happen when something is already is happening.

But we are here to talk about the actual meaning of cause and effect in the online selling business, especially for advertisements.

When something happens, there is a why? hidden somewhere. And when we lose focus on ‘why that thing or something happens’, then it starts affecting us worse.

For eg. jack always overeat and never exercise, so he gained 10kg in 2 months.

Now, read it again you will see there is a cause and effect as well, the cause is he does not exercise & always overeats and the effect is he gained 20kg. ( here is your catch, see, the cause and effect work together and after something happened)

But think of it from a different point of view, suppose a good friend Tom came to Jack when he was in the middle process of cause and effect.

And he told her the reason for the increased weight. Then the unaware Jack starts taking action (doing exercise/diet).

Now, tell me if Jack can change the effect or not. Definitely yes!

Now see, after understanding the WHY and WHAT can be cause & effect. Jack maybe could gain 5kg but it’s better than 10kg and that’s the Catch of Cause and effect.

In the advertisement, the Cause and effect is the make or break factor, one who understands the Cause and Effect of his campaign can Make or one who do not will definitely break.


Nothing in our hands except the power of decision, we can take right consecutive actions with help of decision to change the cause of anything and make its effect in our favour. Isn’t interesting that you can control something uncontrollable.

The decision means to “the conclusion after consideration“.

When we consider something we look at a problem or situation from a different point of thinking which in last make our decision better for all.

But decisions matter the most in terms of business or life. This is the only reason behind good or bad cause & effect. I am sure you agree with me that whatever happened to us is the result of our decisions, either taken in the past or we are taking now.

I am impressed by Michelle Obama’s quote – “You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen”.

Our decision should be free from any irrational thinking, or from fear of that what will happen if I do this or that? but the truth is that the cause and effect have already happened.

And the only reason why we can’t able to stop them. Because we haven’t made a decision earlier when the cause is in our control.

You understood what is CED means. now, here the best part came for which you are here, to know how CED can solve your 🔥 burning money problem, how it works and help, grab your energy again and let's start...

How C-E-D method helps you?

I hope until now you got the idea of how much CED is important in life or business, for now, I will only discuss and focus on C-E-D in the context of advertisements in online selling.

cause and effect theory for advertisements.
source-(Cause-effect image by JD Solomon) and rest by @okhvicky

Take my word, please look at the above image again at least for 5 seconds.

Now what you will see is a Fish image printed by “cause and effect” and a plus + symbol to the “Decision”. Right? so, what does it mean by Cause & Effect + Decision?

For instance, as per the Universal Law of Cause & Effect, everything in this cosmos has a specific cause and a particular effect. Every minimal action taken by anything will impact something with a specific cause no matter what.

So, if cause and effect are that much power and truth and you also witnessed it in real, why? not you still serious about your taken decisions. If I want to say this whole article in one line that will be.

“You can’t control cause & effect but with the right decisions, you can fall them in your favour”.

Because Your Decision helps you to take the right action and with consecutive right actions your effect will turn positive with means your cause is also positive.

I walked far away again, but the question is still the same. HOW? can I take the right action ‘decisions’, how to identify I am wrong, how to correct, how to understand this. wait-wait my friend that’s why I am here. Now, read this carefully with your undivided attention.

As per the above image, cause & effect will help you identify the problem and the decision help you identify the correct solution.

In cause and effect, we focus on two things WHY? and WHAT? – why of the cause and what is or will be the effect. and for decision, we focus only on one thing: ‘ Do?’ which means what to do now.

I can guarantee you that after the right use of the C-E-D method you will see relief in your burning money ads, it will work as first aid or prevention before cure.

Now I am explaining the > HOW? for the ( C – E – D ) method. one by one.

Cause – Why?

From the day we are born, we are asking why?, to our mother or elder ‘why is this happening, why can’t I play, why you always push me to read, why is it working or not. There are so many why’s are embedded in our childhood, But our why’s get complicated as we get older.

If you yourself try to find out why this or that incident happened to me? , my friend you are doing well in life. It means you are already working on a cause and the same you have to implement in ads. simple’ isn’t it?

In more easy words > you have to find the cause (why?) in ads, that why something is happened or happening.

Try to identify why ads not performing, check mistakes, go beyond your thinking, think from another perspective do anything whatever it takes but don’t stop until you do not get the WHY?.

Effect- What?

And when mom or elder explains why it happens, we also understand its effect-(what?) We understood that ‘why’ mom stopped us to play because it was raining And the ‘effect’ is that we can get sick.

I already described above that cause and effect are two sides of a coin, when we deeply try to identify the cause of anything we automatically reach its effect. similarly, in ads, you have to see the cause and effect together.

Hire yourself as an advertising specialist for your own business, now you check why ads are not performing according to budget, why anything is happening, what will be its effect on sales, Where is the leak etc.

For example – suppose your newly launched product is eating a heavy budget then estimated, then you applied cause and effect. You find the cause after deeply tracking each keyword spend money that one of keyword is consuming maximum budget because of highly competitive bidding. And the effect is that it is solely responsible for eating 40% of your budget.

Decisions – Do?

So, we took a decision not to go out, and we didn’t get sick.

In the decision, we focus on to “do“, which means before or after something would happen to ask yourself what should I do now, it also works in the correlation of cause and effect. What if I do this or that thing what will be its cause and effect. or when something has already happened, we try to find its cause and effect.

How Decisions can change something uncontrollable like cause and effect? –> because it gives you a clear mindset for taking the right consecutive actions.

find that why my ads not performed > what is the effect and what is the cause > and when you got the why and what. take a decision to solve them, and then take the right consecutive actions to eliminate that problem.

from the above example -> now you learned why and what made your ads money burning, now you decide to either eliminate that keyword or reduce it bid or find some hidden strong keyword.

In the decision, we not only take decisions on random available resources. Instead, we observe and try to understand the whole cause and effect from start to end. maybe there is a chance that you find out that the product you launched is also launched by multiple sellers.

and they all are only fighting on advertisement bidding none of having even a single review and rating on that product so you take the right action of getting a rating on the product first.

find that why my ads not performed > what is the effect and what it is effecting > and when you got the why and what. take a decision to solve them, and then take the right consecutive actions to eliminate that problem.

I like this quote from George Ryan because at any stage of life, with the power of decisions, we can reverse our circumstances by understanding the cause and effect of what has already happened or is about to happen.

I’m going to sleep well tonight knowing that I made the right decision. – George Ryan

What I Conclude…

Remember that Decisions are the reason behind the cause and effect. And also the key to control them. It is our bad decisions that create bad cause and effect and it is our good decisions that bring cause and effect in our favour.
cause and effect and decision method to save you from burning money on ads.

As I wrote in a previous article also ‘that ads are for awareness not for making rain of money, and you only can win a magical position in ads through your consistence & patience practice.

In online selling, I believe ads should be the biggest leverage to be used by everyone, which creates an urgency for me to come up with the CED method from which any beginner to the pro player can benefit.

The CED method can save you from the trap of burning money and any problem in life.

Always try to identify the cause and effect of any problem and make decisions for the solution, followed by consecutive right actions.


A charged-up human, who is learning and exploring this planet. {For any suggestion, Comment below or Dm on Insta}-----> (@okhvicky).

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