What is masked aadhaar card?
According to uidai, “masked aadhaar card” refers to an extra security layer in which only the last four digits are shown. To prevent any aadhaar related fraud or misuse.
Direct Download link
How to download masked aadhaar card?
Step 1. Click on the link button. You will be directed to this window.
Step 2. Fill out the form.
And make sure to select the option of “masked aadhaar”.
The password of pdf.
The pdf will demand a password.
In which your name’s first four initials and your date of birth year will work as password. Please refer image.
Sample of masked aadhaar card.
Some other important helpful links.
- What is aadhaar card.
- Know who is uidai and its origin.
- Types of aadhaar card.
- Aadhaar card important statistics for research and content purpose only.
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