The lesson will keep repeating itself
When someone tells me
… “Hey you should exercise… You should eat healthy, home-cooked food”… I loathe it.
I don’t like this advice, this preaching all!! I don’t want to listen to anyone.
Why should I? I want to do what I want to do.
I want to sit comfortably all day long. Switching (only) between the couch, the chair and the bed. And I don’t want to move any further.
But you know body has shown me that if I don’t move, don’t exercise, and don’t follow my yoga routine, it isn’t going to work for me.
Sitting on a chair all day long makes me lethargic, dull and sick!
I start complaining. Oh, I have back pain, oh I have a stomach ache.
But why me?
I imagine where did this sickness come from?
Now I know ..”why me.”Because when my body was telling me something, I did not listen, I shunned it.
Something in me was whispering, “we can’t go on like this anymore.” I ignored it.
But now I understand even if I don’t want to listen to the world, and what other have to say, at least I will have to listen to my body.
And if I don’t listen, the lesson is going to repeat until I learn.
Its not about “them”.. its about me. Its not about “proving” or “comparing”.. it’s about my health and me.
I don’t want to exercise but I do it anyway, because this is how I get to show Vaishnavi that I can trust her, that I care for her and love her.
And this is how I strengthen our relationship.
Like oscar wilde put it right.
“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance!”
Oscar Wilde
First published on LinkedIn by Vaishnavi herself. Click here for the original post.
Authored by – Vaishnavi Ramdohkar
About Vaishnavi,
I am a Writer, dreamer, nature enthusiast, and history geek who isn't afraid to express the mumblings of her heart.
Okhvicky – I would like to many thanks to Vaishnavi ramdohkar for allowing me to share her advice on reviewtestify. She is not only a good writer but also a kind-hearted personality, I must say.