You are currently viewing 3 big mistakes Netflix is making now! Downfall is guaranteed.

3 big mistakes Netflix is making now! Downfall is guaranteed.

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3 big mistakes Netflix is making now! Downfall is guaranteed. – Title (01/02/2024)

Note* {This post is more focused on Netflix India and will remain relevant until Netflix updates; we will update accordingly in that scenario.}

Netflix is making some of the big mistakes that will guarantee its future downfall. So, before diving deep into what are the reasons and facts that indicate future downfall,

I would like to request that any authority of Netflix reading it should ‘torch up’ on these facts. It will be better for the company and viewers who pay you hard-earned bucks.

As everything we write here on the reviewtestify platform is the unbiased opinion of people.

So, Feel free to believe in facts and figures, the rest we’re open to feedback.

Let’s start with the first mistake.

No Yearly Plan

3 big mistakes Netflix is making now! Downfall is guaranteed.

netflix india plan and subscription price, detail case study on review testify

Yeah, we agree that the monthly plan sounds cheaper than the annual one.

But, an annual plan pain one time compared to a monthly which will pain 12 times.

Come on guys you are working in India and don’t know that (Indians love to save money.)

First, your plans already feel costly and added to that they are only monthly. You have to make an annual or at least a six-month plan to survive long.

Just sneak into your competitor’s window, they are continuously increasing their year-on-year revenue by selling (6 or a yearly) subscriptions.

Think of it from another perspective, converting a few annual subscribers is worth more than converting and holding subscribers monthly. If you agree!

Then make an annual plan, that must be affordable, and sound like not a costly deal.

Hindi Content Shortage

You know, ‘Netflix’ if an Arabic-speaking person cracks a wonderful joke to me (who doesn’t know Arabic) I will only look at his face and express the same expression he will present to me.

The point here is to summarize the pain point of many Netflix India audiences,

that they have top-notch content available but do not get connected and feel’ due to native language differentiation.

I know you will counter that we have content in Hindi too, that’s good but not my point.

We know your content language is now diversified,

But still, more than 60-78% of your content is in English or another language.

If you ask 10 Indians in a row for a content language choice over Hindi vs English, 8 out of 10 will choose Hindi or (their state regional language).

In short, you do have not much content in Hindi, especially if you want to survive in India.

Am not saying that Indians don’t like/understand English or other language content,

in fact, well-versed and with accurate grammar English speakers in India are much more than in any other country besides its native language.

Hence my suggestion is supported with my favourite quote.

if you can’t invent, just innovate.


Weak Suggestion algorithm

Keeping 2nd point in mind, this issue is an extension of it.

Suppose you watched a Hindi comedy movie, and you liked it very much.

Ask yourself!

Next time you open Netflix what you want is another cool suggestion of your last liked movies/series.

But, Voilร !

This will not happen, as you are on Netflix.

It looks like something is wrong with Netflix’s algorithm, even if I like a sort of content it doesn’t give more similar suggestions to watch.

Many users feel this pain that even if they tap ‘Love this!’ (double thumbs up) below a series/movie, not much more similar content is served to them.

netflix india plan and subscription price, detail case study on review testify

Then what’s the point of asking users whether they liked content’ or not?

Your user psychologically needs an effective and efficient suggestions algorithm.

If they liked Hindi comedy content, then suggest them more, if they like another content, then suggest them more.


The famously coined term “Netflix and chill” is now being converted into “Netflix – how to chill?”

Bonus: for developers

Users are finding it difficult to search for the content that they are looking for.

I know it sounds confusing, but many times users themselves are confused and anxious about what exactly they are looking for.

But genuinely in a good mood for a binge-watch, almost 80% of the time users found it difficult to get the content they wanted,

Why it doesn’t happen with Prime or any other OTT?

Amazingly, other OTT services understand the Indian audience watching pattern and they have already created a special section to cater to specific audiences, see image below. โ†“

amazon prime vs netflix india comparison
Search option in Amazon Prime Video

Either the user finds content or simply exits the ott,

but in the case of Netflix! As the user previously got an amazing watching experience’ they again want the same dose, but they always end up in a dilemma of what to watch or what not.

Or maybe it’s not relevant, on YouTube hardly there is someone who does find what he came for.

๐Ÿ˜Even once I forgot how to remove the pin lock from Netflix, I used YT for that.

Request: Dear Netflix developer team, your search ๐Ÿ” option is broken.

Sometimes it’s like it doesn’t understand what a user wants or sometimes it seems like you have a lack of content to present.

But, believe it or not.!

Your User is finding it difficult to search the content that they were looking for.

All in all,

We understand that these problems are big and need hefty time to solve,

But before it is too late,


make India a “Sweet Home”.

For an in-depth solution to all these problems, you are free to DM me on insta or tag me on X.

“Spread this, so Netflix can serve us better!” ๐ŸŽฅ


A charged-up human, who is learning and exploring this planet. {For any suggestion, Comment below or Dm on Insta}-----> (@okhvicky).